Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Musings: 6/23/2024

 cooking breakfast together on sundays is probably my favorite thing as of late

been visiting more museums

and trying new restaurants that make my foodie heart smile :)

released two new bookmarks today

I hope you guys love them

just been doing really good lately

and grateful to be in this headspace

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


gonna need a lot of hands.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Musings: 5/22/2024

 it feels like forever since I wrote a musing on here

it used to be one of my favorite things to do 

I probably have at least 8 other musings over the years that say this very same thing.. 


but anyway,

2024 has been good to me so far

I had a palm reading in tokyo back in october that predicted as such

and I am excited to witness how it continues to play out

I'm learning so much

about life, about myself

what drives me

what I like

what I don't like

what I do it for

I'm discovering that there is a true splendor to life

I have taken a step forward into newness with less concern for what is behind me

it is freeing

it is light

it is scary at times

but there are strides being made here that are far further than any before

because I always had one foot trying to make them

and the other trying to remain the same.

( SIDE NOTE: super excited for the long weekend. _____ here I come! ) 

Saturday, February 17, 2024

A Miu Miu girlie

when I saw this Miu Miu cowboy hat in Miami back in November, I HAD to have it. 

can't wait for it to warm up and to wear it outttttt :)

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Musings: 1/31/2024

 this year is off to an amazing start

a reminder to never underestimate myself and my abilities

Monday, January 22, 2024

*NEW* Katt Book 1 of 3000 Bookmark


3000 bookmarks a year sound like a lot? 

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Musings: 1/7/2024

 a creative, educated career woman with a high IQ. + fine.

a win, win. 

everything with intention

far removed from any chaos and it feels stupendous

in tokyo, a palm reader told me the year is mine. and I claim it to be true. 

can't wait to see what life is like in six months/ the end of the year.

making plans

making plans ;)

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


End of Year Recap 2023

Last year Inspire the TRIBE reached new heights. A (3x) muralist?! My work has appeared on a TV show. A major podcast gave me the most glowing recommendation ever. Two Amazon collabs in two years! I have the sweetest, most amazing community backing me. And this is just the beginning. I am forever grateful to have returned to my first love - Art. And I am immensely grateful to all of you that have supported Inspire the TRIBE over the years.


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