photo via @letssweettalk
imagine having the opportunity to go back in time
five, ten, twenty years,
knowing everything that you know now.
would you live your life the same
or would you apply the knowledge you've acquired
to change/ affect the outcome?
the latter, right?
it seems so simple,
and yet,
there are people who would rather
shrink themselves
to try to make an old way of living,
old acquaintances,
- 'fit'.
it is a phenomenon that I could never get behind.
I picture it to be an existence that is so
uncomfortably steeped in uncertainty/ insecurity.
how can you have learned,
and grown
so much and expect to still
be able to operate under the 'guise
that you have not?
when you outgrow something you'll feel it.
I believe in wanting more for yourself
don't sell yourself short.
( SIDE NOTE: paradigm shift )