it feels like forever since I wrote a musing on here
it used to be one of my favorite things to do
I probably have at least 8 other musings over the years that say this very same thing..
but anyway,
2024 has been good to me so far
I had a palm reading in tokyo back in october that predicted as such
and I am excited to witness how it continues to play out
I'm learning so much
about life, about myself
what drives me
what I like
what I don't like
what I do it for
I'm discovering that there is a true splendor to life
I have taken a step forward into newness with less concern for what is behind me
it is freeing
it is light
it is scary at times
but there are strides being made here that are far further than any before
because I always had one foot trying to make them
and the other trying to remain the same.
( SIDE NOTE: super excited for the long weekend. _____ here I come! )