Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Mac Photo Booth Chronicles

( SIDE NOTE: every decision that you make in life leads you down a different path. choose wisely. )

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day ?? of Social Distancing: Passion Projects x Sex and the City Marathons

 after who knows how many days of 
grocery shopping, 
online window shopping,
dog walking,
and overall sitting 
in my apartment... 
I've finally decided to dive head first 
into a long time passion project of mine. 
It's something I've been hinting at for years, 
and I finally have the time and the motivation to make it happen. 

today is the day I will finish this project.

it's very personal to me, and
I can't wait to share it with you all.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

ArtBae x Don't Rush Challenge

I don't usually do this, but I had fun creating this with my ArtBae fam

- peep my cameo @ 2:10 - 

and follow @artbaeonline

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Daydreamin' And I'm Thinking of You

I found a site where I could create fashion sets again 
(RIP Polyvore).

I promise once all of this passes 
I'm wearing every item that I own, 
and I'm having more fun/ being more experimental 
with my style.


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