Monday, June 5, 2023

BTS Inspire the TRIBE x Concrete Playground Large Scale Mural

my happy place

BTS of a new parking lot mural that I'm working on. 

This mural has been a bit of a challenge because it is a medium and style that I'm not used to, at least of this magnitude (previous mural work here and here). But it's all for a great purpose and I don't shy away from a good challenge. 

The parking lot mural will serve as a concrete "playground" for a community center in northern Virginia. It will provide a place for kids in the community to play and hopefully rouse curiosity and bring more foot traffic to the center. It will include hopscotch, four square, a biking course and more. I look forward to the joy that it will bring the community and the reaction of the kids once we're finished. 


( SIDE NOTE: I wasn't impressed with this festival(?) so I won't mention it by name, but here's a cute memory from it. )

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