Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Musings: (Cont)

Don't let the situations that we build up in our minds become bigger than what they are. We all have problems. That's not to be debated, however, we often magnify them to ridiculous dimensions because they are ours, when in reality there are people that would kill to have the small nuisances that we allow to cause us so much stress. Listening in on strangers, and even friends, grievances remind me every day how small the major stressors in my life truly are. 

That may not be very comforting because we are living our lives... the problems that we come across and have to deal with every day we do have to eventually confront. I'm not saying to downplay your issues just because others have it worse; I'm just asking that you try to change the way you confront your problems. It's all about perspective. Try to find the light in the dark.. the good in the bad. The end result is almost always strength gained, and you can never have too much of that.

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